Get the Kunik. Get it mad quick, yo.

Nettle Meadow (say that one time fast!) is a local-ish New York farm that invented the best kind of cheese there is: the Kunik.  Their website describes Kunik as “a voluptuous triple creme.”  Mmm, yeah baby.

Let’s break that down: Kunik is a “white mold-ripened wheel made from goat’s milk and Jersey cow cream. The blend makes Kunik far richer and more flavorful than a brie-type cheese yet more subtle and sumptuous than similarly ripened goat cheeses.”  Hell yes.  And did you see they’re doing a farm tour and tasting in October?  Those goats make me laugh.

a goat named Kunik.

crazy voluptuous cheese.

Figs of Summertime

What really gets me going?  Figs.  Just picked up a spawn at Union Market.  These little buddies just won’t grow in climates that consistently fall below 0 degrees.  Damn these suckers look big. I’ve got a tree in my backyard.  You know what it grows?  Yeah: figs.


Here’s what you do:

1. Get yourself some figgys, cut ’em in half;

2. Slather some brie on your sourdough;

3.  Combine.

Breakfast. Is. Served!